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31 January 2025 in Latest news

Year 7 Students Embrace Creative French Learning

This week, Year 7 students at Lammas School have been showcasing their creativity and language skills in fun and interactive French lessons! As part of their ongoing learning, the students…
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30 January 2025 in Latest news

Parents and Students Cooking Workshops

At Lammas School, we take pride in bringing families together through our successful parent-student cooking workshops. These sessions provide a fantastic opportunity for students to showcase their practical skills while…
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20 January 2025 in Latest news

Year 7 Students Embark on Exciting Meteorite Research Project

Today our talented Year 7 students had the unique opportunity to meet with Dr. Greenwood, from The Open University, to learn about an exciting new research project focused on the…
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20 January 2025 in Latest news

Year 10 Drama Students Inspired by Trip to Park Theatre

Last term, our Year 10 Drama class had the exciting opportunity to attend a live performance of Going for Gold at Park Theatre. This trip was an incredible experience for…
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Governance is a key element of the leadership and management of the Griffin Schools Trust (GST) itself and of the schools individually and collectively. Please click here to see ourĀ Governance Structure.


The Trust (itself accountable to DfE) is the body to whom schools are directly accountable. It delegates autonomy to each Local Governing Board/Body (LGB) or School Improvement Board (SIB) according to theĀ Scheme of Delegation.

The Trust Board is made up of experts in UK and international education as well as private sector professionals with a wide range of commercial experience and expertise. In keeping with our vision we also place an emphasis on attracting Trustees who have backgrounds and networks in Sport and the Arts. The Board acts as guardian to the Trust vision, and ensures that progress towards its fulfilment is underpinned with the highest standards of compliance with our regulators so that public funding is very well-used.

Serving as a Governor in a GST school requires a commitment to the seven principles of public life and to a code of conduct which puts the school and its pupils at the centre. GST Governors meet formally every thirteen weeks (i.e. once every school term) and much of the real work is done between these meetings, through Working Groups and individual contributions to the schoolā€™s life according to each Governorā€™s skills and the needs of the school.

The role is very different from that of a Governor in a Local Authority school, recognising that the Head is the schoolā€™s Chief Executive and the Board is there to advise, support and challenge through appropriate channels and to evidence the impact that governance is having on the schoolā€™s progress. As in the world of non-executive directors, GST Governors are expected to bring their skills to bear and to work in co-operation and collaboration with the staff team, the whole Local Governing Body and the Trust to bring about rapid and sustained improvement for the pupils they serve.

The Trust is responsible for the appointment, performance management and professional development of the Heads, though the LGBā€™s work has a vital role to play in highlighting and evidencing the impact that the Head and Governors are making through their termly meetings. Through their work in and for the school, Governors come to know the school community and to be well-informed about its performance, able to talk about it confidently and accurately to the Trust, to Ofsted, to parents and to interested local groups.

We very much appreciate the work that Governors do and the part they play in the success of the schools they serve and indeed of the Trust. We hope that Governors find reward in the impact they make on young lives and their individual experience of the living reality of the GST motto: Proud Traditions Wide Horizons High Achievement.

The Lammas Improvement Board is:

Marie Cordey ā€“ Chair
Charlotte Foulston
Jayne Lusinski
Anne Powell
Alison Ramsay


Marie Cordey


Marie has a substantial background in education including a decade as a lead inspector for Ofsted. She has also worked as a school improvement consultant for local authorities, academy chains and individual schools. After 20 years as a teacher, head of department and deputy head, Marie was a senior lecturer in initial teacher education before focusing her work on school improvement.


Charlotte Foulston

Charlotte has 20 yearsā€™ teaching and leadership experience in secondary education, in London and Wales. Prior to her teaching career, she was director of a company specialising in supporting young people into vocational training and apprenticeships. Charlotte brings to the Trust the perspective of a practitioner in the current policy landscape together with wide experience of delivering to learners on a large scale.


Jayne Lusinski

Jayne trained as a secondary school teacher, specialising in Mathematics and PE and taught for 27 years in one school gaining experience in many areas of leadership, developing an interest in the curriculum and timetabling and taking a key role in safeguarding children. Jayne is passionate about engaging parents in their childā€™s education and promoting a variety of activities for children to experience within the curriculum. Jayne was seconded to Lordswood to support the leadership team in Feb 2014 and was appointed to Head of School in April 2015.


Anne Powell

Anne has a long and proud association with Riverley Primary School. She was appointed Head in April 2013 after working there as a teacher and leader for many years. Her leadership experience includes key curriculum and inclusion priorities across all primary key stages. Leading in diverse, inner-city schools was always Anneā€™s ambition and she has devised innovative approaches to working with hard to reach communities. As a music graduate, she is always looking to promote the arts in education and was proud that Riverley hosted the first Griffin Arts Festival (GAF) in July 2014.


Alison Ramsay

Alison is a modern foreign languages graduate who has a passion for leading ambitious school communities and opening up the world to its students. As an experienced Secondary Head, Executive Head and School Improver, Alison has developed teams, mentored new leaders and supported schools through significant periods of change. Her belief in championing every young person, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, is at the heart of everything she does. Alison is an advocate for promoting sports and arts provision, and celebrating the achievements of young people in these areas.


Humairah Jooman – Clerk
0208 988 5860

Address of Chair:
Lammas School and Sixth Form, 150 Seymour Road, Leyton, London, E10 7LX



Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
