The greater your attendance, the greater your achievement.
Attendance is always included your Termly Report in December, April and July. Punctual and regular attendance is an essential requirement for successful learning. You need to be in school to achieve your best.
Attendance directly impacts attainment
Students who have very good attendance are more likely to gain 5 or more Level 4 or above GCSEs or equivalent qualifications.
Parental Responsibility
It is the duty of the parent of every child of compulsory school age to ensure they receive efficient full time education suitable to their age, and to inform the school every time the child is absent. Failure to do this may end up with parents being fined and taken to court.
Wherever possible please make medical and dental appointments outside of school hours.
How to contact the Attendance Team
0208 988 5860
150 Seymour Road, Leyton, E10 7LX