We are excited to announce the opening of our new Community Hub Room! This dedicated space has been designed to bring together parents, students, and staff, fostering a stronger sense of community and connection.
The Community Hub Room will be open during school hours and afterschool and will serve as a resource centre where parents can:
- Attend workshops and information sessions with younger children who can explore our play area
- Access resources to support their childrenâs learning
- Meet and collaborate with other parents
- Get involved in school activities and events
- We encourage you to drop by and explore the space! Whether you’re looking for support, want to connect with other parents, or just want a quiet place to relax, the Community Hub Room is here for you
 Stay tuned for more details about upcoming events and activities that will be hosted in the hub!
We look forward to seeing you there and if you have any ideas please share with Ms Paul (Deputy Headteacher) or Katherine (Leader of Parent Group).